Past engagements
Below you can see a selection of my speeches, lectures and presentations that I have held at various conferences and seminars. I like to engage as conference speaker.
- Platform Economics: from Pipeline to Plattform, Lecture, Stuttgart, Sep 29th 2015.
- Disrupted Governance: how Digital Transformation is changing the State, Lecture at AFCEA, German Air Force Cologne-Wahn Sep 21st 2015
- Corporate Innovations: Learning from Startups, Lecture Rotary E-Club Cologne, Jan 26th 2015
- Keynote speech, „The Context Net: use cases and business scenarios with iBeacons, 1. iBeacon Meetup Cologne, Cologne, Apr 3rd 2014
- Living the transition: survival in the context of real-time Web, Keynote Speech at Haufe Product Management Conference, Freiburg, 2014th Jan 30th 2014
- OpenProcesses Community Workshop: „Social Objects for the Enterprise“, Eschborn 2011.
- BarCamp Mainz: „Die große Social Media Kritik – just one Big Ponzi Schema?“, Mainz, 2011.
- DesignCamp: „15 Years of Interactive Design“, Cologne, 2009.
- Community Summit: „Netzwerkeffekte und Communities“
- Personalisiertes Zielkundenmarketing mit Email und Datenbanken
- RoundTable: „E-Procurement for Cooperatives“, Cologne, 2002.
- „E-Commerce und Humankapital“, dialog-Seminar, Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft, 7., Nov 2002, Tübingen 2002.
- E-commerce and human capital, Lecture at Dialogue Seminar, Community Action Social Market Economy, 7, November 2002 Tübingen of 2002.
- Impact of E-Business on the Value Chain in Cooperatives, presentation to the Working Group ZGV wholesale marketing, Wuppertal, Sep 14th 2000.
- E-Commerce in Building Materials Commerce, baudialog Impulstage, Muenster 1999.
- Commerzbank Handelskongress: „The Future of Retail“, Dresden, 1999.
If you are interested in me as a speaker or moderator, it is advisable to book those topics that I’m working on currently:
- Platform Economics and Platform Design
- Digital Transformation
- Intrapreneurship
- Internet of Things, location-based services, sensors and iBeacons
- Concept of success applications and websites – what matters?
- Return on Investment of Social Media
- Looking to the future: what comes in the next decade?
- Tablets and e-commerce – the next revolution?
- Effects on the retail stores
- Enterprise 2.0 – the networked companies
- Social media in corporate communications
- Developing a Social Media Strategy
- Network economics and network effects
- Innovation Management by crowdsourcing the social web
- Risks of social media – how can I protect myself?
All of these issues have already been examined in detail in lectures or scientific articles. If you like a topic, please contact me!
Request as speaker
For inquiries on dates, click the following button. The topic and the fee we agree then in advance from common.
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